5 Tips For Selecting A Glass Pipe For Smoking

Smoking Blog

Have you decided that you want to switch to smoking with a glass pipe but have never used one before? A glass pipe can be an enjoyable way for you to consume tobacco or dry herbs since it provides a very smooth experience when smoking. However, there is a small learning curve when you switch to using a glass pipe. Here are a few tips that you should follow. 

Selecting The Pipe

You'll want to look at several factors when selecting a glass pipe, such as functionality, design, and size. You'll want one that feels comfortable when holding it in your hands and that is large enough to contain all of the herbs that you wish to smoke. This can make it easier to select a glass pipe in person when you can get a better feel for the size and weight of the pipe that you'll be using.

Preparing The Pipe

You should clean out the pipe before using it for the first time. Since it is made out of glass, all you really need to do is rinse it out with mild soap and warm water. This will help ensure that any residue left behind from manufacturing the pipe is gone. Let it air dry before using it for the first time.

Packing The Bowl

You can use your fingers or a grinder to pack the herbs into a bowl. Much like with other pipes not made out of glass, you want to avoid filling the bowl to the top and leave space for airflow and combustion to occur. If you overpack a pipe, only a small amount of what you are smoking will reach your lungs as a result. You could end up wasting herbs in the process.


You'll hold the glass pipe in one hand, and then cover the carb hole with a thumb. Ignite a small portion of your herbs in the bowl using a hemp wick or lighter, then gently inhale through the glass pipe mouthpiece while keeping the flame steady. This will light the bowl of herbs. 

Inhalation Techniques 

It's important to take breaths that are slow and controlled, which will help avoid irritation and coughing. Use small puffs to help gauge what your tolerance level is, since the glass pipe may be providing more or less smoke than what you are used to. Breathe in for an extra second after removing the flame from the bowl to clear out the smoke that is in the pipe. 


12 July 2023

Smoking With Friends

One of the things I like the most about smoking is the fact that it gives you a chance to kick back, relax, and talk with your friends in the middle of the day. I started smoking more when I began a more stressful job, and it really helped me to relax and enjoy some down time. I was really pleased with all of the different smoking options that started coming to market, and this blog is all about the choices you have as a consumer who likes to light up from time to time. Check out these posts to learn more about smoking.